This is the README file for the source distribution of Schmant version 1.1. The source distribution contains a complete Eclipse workspace for Schmant under the src directory. All files in the source distribution are encoded in the UTF-8 charset. To build a Schmant distribution from source, use the build script Schmant_resources/build/build_from_eclipse.js. This can be done from within Eclipse using the Schmant Eclipse plugin, or from the command line. The header of the build_from_eclipse.js script contains information on dependencies and configurable parameters for the script. Example: To build a Schmant distribution from a Windows command prompt, run > set JAVA_HOME=[path to a JDK installation] > set FINDBUGS_HOME=[path to a Findbugs installation] > cd [Schmant installation directory]\src\Schmant_resources\build > ..\..\..\bin\schmant.bat \ -j "-Dfile.encoding=utf8" -j -Xmx1024m \ -cp "..\..\..\optlib\xalan.jar;..\..\..\optlib\xalan-serializer.jar" \ -p "docbookRoot=[path to Docbook XSL stylesheet distribution]" \ build_from_eclipse.js Note: Older versions of Sun's JDK 6 contains a compiler with a bug causing it to sometimes fail on autoboxing in the code when running several compile threads in parallel. The most straightforward workaround for that bug is to upgrade to a newer JDK. Another workaround is to use the argument -p "buildThreads=1" when running the build script to limit the number of build threads to just one.