
This package contains Zip compression methods.


Interface Summary
ZipEntryCompressionMethod This interface defines a file compression method that may occur in a Zip file.
ZipEntryCompressionMethodFactory This interface defines a factory object for creating a specific kind of ZipEntryCompressionMethod object.

Class Summary
AbstractUnsupportedCompressionMethod This class may be inherited by unsupported compression method.
BZip2CompressionMethod This is the "bzip2" compression method.
Deflate64CompressionMethod This is the "Deflate64" compression method.
DeflatedCompressionMethod This is the "Deflated" compression method.
DeflatedCompressionMethodFactory This factory creates DeflatedCompressionMethod objects.
IbmLz77CompressionMethod This is the "IBM LZ77" compression method.
IbmTerseCompressionMethod This is the "IBM Terse" compression method.
ImplodedCompressionMethod This is the "Imploded" compression method.
LzmaCompressionMethod This is the LZMA compression method.
PKWareImplodingCompressionMethod This is the "PKWare Imploding" compression method.
PpmdCompressionMethod This is the "PPMd" compression method.
Reduced1CompressionMethod This is the "Reduced1" compression method.
Reduced2CompressionMethod This is the "Reduced2" compression method.
Reduced3CompressionMethod This is the "Reduced3" compression method.
Reduced4CompressionMethod This is the "Reduced4" compression method.
ShrunkCompressionMethod This is the "Shrunk" compression method.
StoredCompressionMethod "Stored" compression means that the file is stored as-is, i.e.
WavPackCompressionMethod This is the "WavPack" compression method.
ZipEntryCompressionMethodRegistry This is a registry where factory objects for the different ZipEntryCompressionMethod:s that may occur in a Zip file are registered.

Exception Summary
UnknownZipEntryCompressionMethodException This exception is thrown by the ZipEntryCompressionMethodRegistry if it is given a compression method code that it does not have in its registry.
UnsupportedCompressionMethodException This exception signals that a compression method is unsupported.

Package Description

This package contains Zip compression methods.

Karl Gustafsson