
The Filter and ConvenientFilter interfaces and some generic filter implementations.


Interface Summary
ConvenientFilter<T> This interface adds a few convenience methods for combining different filters.
Filter<T> This interface defines a generic filter that can match or not match an object.

Class Summary
AbstractConvenientFilter<T> This abstract base class implements all methods defined in ConvenientFilter.
AndFilter<T> This generic filter combines the results from a list of filters using logical AND.
FalseFilter<T> This filter does not match any objects at all.
FilterToConvenientFilterAdapter<T> This object makes a ConvenientFilter out of a Filter
NotFilter<T> This filter negates the results from another filter.
OrFilter<T> This filter combines the results from a list of filters using logical OR.
TrueFilter<T> This filter matches all objects.
XorFilter<T> This filter combines the results from two filters using logical XOR.

Package Description

The Filter and ConvenientFilter interfaces and some generic filter implementations.

Karl Gustafsson