
Schmant support objects.


Interface Summary
FutureEntityFactory This is an interface for an object that creates FutureEntity objects.
FutureEntityStrategy The FutureEntityStrategy is the interface for a strategy that can take a source object and create a FutureEntity object based on it.

Class Summary
AbstractArgumentChecker This class can be inherited by classes that want to check arguments to their methods.
FutureDirectory This object is a FutureEntity for future entities that are directories.
FutureEntity An instance of this class represents the location of a future entity (a file or directory).
FutureEntityIndexStrategy This is a FutureEntityStrategy that creates future entities of the form [base_directory]/[prefix][index][suffix].
FutureFile This object is a FutureEntity for future entities that are files.
FutureProperty<T> Objects of this type represent future property values of other objects.
IncrementingFutureEntityFactory This factory creates FutureEntity objects with an incrementing index number.
JdkUtil This is a support class for working with JDK installations.
JdkVersion An object of this type represents the version of a JDK.
SchmantUtil This class contains static utility methods for Schmant scripts and tasks.

Exception Summary
FutureEntityNotCreatedYetException Thrown by FutureEntity methods.
InvalidArgumentException This exception is thrown by AbstractArgumentChecker methods to signal invalid arguments.
WrongEntityTypeException This is thrown by FutureEntity methods.

Package Description

Schmant support objects.

Karl Gustafsson