Schmant 1.0, 2009.07.17 ================================================================================ Schmant is a build tool for building software artifacts. It uses the scripting support in Java 6 for running build scripts, and it comes with a set of build tasks that the scripts use. Version 1.0 comes with explicit support for build scripts written in Groovy, JRuby or Jython, in addition to the support for JavaScript scripts from previous Schmant versions. There are several examples written in Groovy, JRuby and Jython in the Programmer's Guide and in the task factory reference. Argument lists to task factory setters are now flattened using the new FlatteningList. This makes it possible to mix and match one- and multi- dimensional arrays and collections in the argument lists of task factory setter methods that accept lists of values. The following third-party libraries have been upgraded: * At4J -> 1.0.2 * EntityFS -> 1.1.3 * SVNKit -> 1.3.0 There have been a number of other changes made as well. The complete list is in the change log in the distribution. Read more about Schmant on Read more about EntityFS on Read more about At4J on