Analyzing tasks
Archiving tasks
Compiling tasks
Documentation tasks
Execution tasks
HTML tasks
I/O tasks
Meta tasks
SCM tasks
Test tasks
Text tasks
Unix tasks
XML tasks
Tasks for analyzing artifacts, such as source code.
ExtFindbugsTF – Search for bugs in Java classes with Findbugs.
Tasks for archiving files.
At4JUnzipTF – Extract the contents of a Zip archive to a directory.
At4JZipTF – Build a Zip archive using the At4J Zip builder.
EarTF – Build an Ear archive.
ExtJarSignerTF – Sign a JAR file using a key in a keystore.
JarTF – Build a Jar archive.
TarTF – Build a Tar archive using the At4J Tar builder.
UntarTF – Extract the contents of a Tar archive to a directory.
WarTF – Build a War archive.
ZipTF – Build a Zip archive.
Tasks for compiling source code.
ExtJavacTF – Compile Java source files using the javac
JavaWorkspaceBuilderTF – Build Java projects in a workspace.
Jdk6JavacTF – Compile Java source files using the Java 6 javac API:s.
Documentation tasks.
ArgumentInterpreterLinksTF – Insert links to the User's Guide's argument interpretation documentation in an HTML file.
ExtJavadocTF – Create API documentation using the javadoc
ExtPdfDocletDecorator – Decorator for creating PDF Javadoc documentation.
ExtStandardDocletDecorator – Decorator for creating HTML Javadoc documentation.
SchmantTaskrefTF – Build task reference documentation for one or several task packages.
TaskFactoryLinksTF – Insert links to the task reference documentation in an HTML file.
Tasks for executing programs.
AntTF – Run an Apache Ant script.
ExtProcessTF – Run an external program.
JavaTF – Run a Java class or a Jar.
HTML tasks.
ApiLinksTF – Insert links to Javadoc documentation in an HTML file.
HtmlLinkValidationTF – Validate links in an HTML document.
I/O tasks.
BZip2TF – Compress a file using the bzip2 algorithm.
CopyTF – Copy one or several files or directories.
DeleteTF – Delete one or several files or directories.
GZipTF – Compress a file using the gzip algorithm.
LzmaTF – Compress a file using the LZMA algorithm.
MoveTF – Move and/or rename one or several files and/or directories.
TreeCopyTF – Copy files and directories recursively.
TreeDeleteTF – Delete files and directories recursively.
Tasks that change the behavior of other tasks.
CompoundTF – Aggregate several tasks to run them sequentially.
ErrorIgnoringTF – Ignore errors in a proxied task.
ForEachSourceTF – Run an action task for each entity in a collection.
RecursiveActionTF – Run an action task for each entity returned when iterating recursively over a set of source entities.
RecursiveProcessTF – Run a process task for each entity returned when iterating recursively over a set of source entities.
RedirectReportTF – Redirect Report output from a proxied task to a file.
ReplaceSourceFileTF – Replace the source file of one or more proxied process tasks with the target the last task generates.
TimedExecutionTF – Set a maximum execution time for a proxied task.
Source Code Management tasks.
SvnExportTF – Export files and directories from a Subversion repository.
SvnUrlToUrlCopyTF – Copy contents within a Subversion repository.
Tasks for running tests.
JUnit4TF – Run a JUnit 4 test suite.
Tasks for manipulating text.
FormatCharacterFileTF – Change character encoding and/or end of line style for a text file.
IncludeFilesTF – Include the contents of files in another file.
TextAppendTF – Append text to a file.
TextPrependTF – Prepend text to a file.
TextReplaceTF – Insert, modify or replace text in a file.
Unix-specific tasks.
ChmodTF – Change permissions on files or directories.
XML tasks.
AddSystemIdToCatalogTF – Add an external entity and its system ID to an XmlCatalogResolver.
AddUriToCatalogTF – Add an external entity and its URI to a XmlCatalogResolver.
DomParseXmlTF – Parse an XML file and create a DOM document.
SchemaFactoryTF – Build an XML schema.
TemplateCompilerTF – Compile an XSL stylesheet.
XsltTF – Run an XSL transformation of an XML document.
The task package documentation can be built after installing Schmant using
the tools/build_task_reference_docs.js
By default, Schmant comes bundled with task reference documentation for only the task packages that are included in the distribution. By building the task reference documentation after installing Schmant, it can be made to include the documentation for all locally installed task packages too.
To build the task reference documentation on Unix, cd
to the
directory and execute the following script (on one line):
For example:
To build the task reference documentation on Windows, cd
to the
directory and execute the following script (on one line):
For example: