Analyzing tasks
Archiving tasks
Compiling tasks
Documentation tasks
Execution tasks
HTML tasks
I/O tasks
Meta tasks
SCM tasks
Test tasks
Text tasks
Unix tasks
XML tasks
Tasks for analyzing artifacts, such as source code.
EmmaInstrumentationTF – Run Emma instrumentation of Java classes.
EmmaMergeTF – Merge several Emma coverage data files into one.
EmmaReportTF – Generate Emma reports from coverage data.
Tasks for archiving files.
Tasks for compiling source code.
Documentation tasks.
Tasks for executing programs.
HTML tasks.
I/O tasks.
Tasks that change the behavior of other tasks.
Source Code Management tasks.
Tasks for running tests.
Tasks for manipulating text.
Unix-specific tasks.
XML tasks.
The task package documentation can be built after installing Schmant using
the tools/build_task_reference_docs.js
By default, Schmant comes bundled with task reference documentation for only the task packages that are included in the distribution. By building the task reference documentation after installing Schmant, it can be made to include the documentation for all locally installed task packages too.
To build the task reference documentation on Unix, cd
to the
directory and execute the following script (on one line):
For example:
To build the task reference documentation on Windows, cd
to the
directory and execute the following script (on one line):
For example: