Schmant Eclipse plugin
The Schmant Eclipse plugin provides support for running Schmant scripts in the Eclipse IDE.
The current version provides a Schmant Launch configuration that makes it possible to launch Schmant builds from the Run As or Debug dialogs.
A short wish list for future plugin features:
- A builder.
- Help files.
- Spit and polish.
The plugin requires Eclipse 3.2 or a newer version. This should include Rational Application Developer 7.0, BEA Workshop 3.3 (not tested) and Borland JBuilder 2007 (not tested) or newer versions.
A separate Schmant installation is also required.
- Install the plugin from Eclipse's software updates dialog (Help -> Software Updates -> Find and install…).
- Select Search for new features to install and click Next.
- In the dialog that opens, click on New Remote Site… and define the site Schmant with the URL
- Mark the Schmant sites in Sites to include in search and click Finish.
- Follow the rest of the instructions as they appear.
After restarting Eclipse, go to Window -> Preferences… -> Schmant and enter the path to the Schmant installation in the Schmant home field.