Package org.entityfs.exception

Core exceptions.


Exception Summary
BackendErrorException This exception is thrown to signal errors in the underlying file system.
CircularReferenceException This exception is thrown if a circular reference is encountered when dereferencing symbolic links.
DirectoryNotEmptyException An exception for when a directory is not empty (when someone tries to delete it).
EntityFoundException This is thrown when an entity that was not supposed to exist really do exist.
EntityNotFoundException This is EntityFS idea of a FileNotFoundException.
FileSystemConfigurationException This exception is thrown by a org.entityfs.FileSystemBuilder if invalid configuration prevents it from creating a file system.
FileSystemFullException This exception is thrown when a write operation is attempted on a full file system.
LockTimeoutException This exception is thrown when the operation trying to acquire a lock timed out.
NotADirectoryException Exception thrown when an entity is not a directory if the method throwing the exception expects a directory.
NotAFileException This exception is thrown by a method that expected a file but got another type of entity.
ReadOnlyException This exception is thrown when a client tries to modify a read only object.
UncheckedInterruptedException This is an unchecked version of the InterruptedException.
UnexpectedEofException This exception is thrown when an unexpected EOF is encountered in a file.
UnsupportedEntityTypeException This is called whenever a specific EntityType is not supported by an implementation.
WriteOnlyException This exception is thrown when a client tries to read from a write only object.
WrongEntityTypeException This exception signals that an entity was of a different type than what was expected.

Package org.entityfs.exception Description

Core exceptions. All exceptions are unchecked and inherit FileSystemException.

Karl Gustafsson