
The ZipCreator utility for creating Zip files.


Interface Summary
ZipEntryInfo This is used by the ZipCreator to create Zip entries from entity properties.
ZipEntryInfoProvider Implementations of this class are used by ZipEntryInfoImpl to provide extra information to created ZipEntry based on properties of an Entity.
ZipFileEntryInfo This is an extension of ZipEntryInfo to represent objects with data (files).

Class Summary
AbstractZipCreator<T extends AbstractZipCreator<?>> Abstract base class for creating Zip files.
CompoundZipEntryInfoProvider This is a ZipEntryInfoProvider that adds all information from a list of other providers.
EntityIteratorToZipEntryInfoIteratorAdapter This is an adapter between an EntityView Iterator and the ZipEntryInfo Iterator needed by ZipCreator for Zip files where all entry names should be constructed relative to one directory name.
FilteringZipEntryInfoProvider This ZipEntryInfoProvider uses another provider to add information only to the entities that pass its entity Filter.
ManualZipEntryInfo This ZipEntryInfo implementation uses manually set properties to create ZipEntry objects.
ManualZipFileEntryInfo This is an implementation of ZipFileEntryInfo that uses manually entered properties.
ZipCreator The ZipCreator creates a Zip archive using ZipEntryInfo objects returned from an iterator.
ZipEntryExtraFieldUtil This utility class contains static methods that are used by ZipEntryInfoProvider classes that want to add Zip extra fields to Zip entries.
ZipEntryInfoImpl Standard implementation of ZipEntryInfo.
ZipEntryInfoProviders This class contains static utility methods that are useful for ZipEntryInfoProvider implementations.
ZipFileEntryInfoImpl Default implementation of ZipFileEntryInfo that uses a file entity.
ZipFiles This is a utility class for working with Zip files.

Package Description

The ZipCreator utility for creating Zip files.

Karl Gustafsson