
Support objects for working with I/O and for starting separate processes.


Interface Summary
ProcessOutputListener This defines a Runnable class that regularly polls an InputStream for output.
ProcessOutputStrategy This is an interface implemented by strategy objects for dealing with the output from external processes.

Class Summary
AbstractProcessOutputListener This is an abstract base class that may be inherited by ProcessOutputListener:s.
AppendToFileProcessOutputStrategy This is an process output strategy that appends the output of a process to a file.
ArgumentList Objects of this class is used for building an command and argument list that is used for running an external command.
FileSupport This class contains static utility methods for working with
LoggingProcessOutputStrategy This is a ProcessOutputStrategy that logs the output of the monitored process to the current log Report with a configurable log level.
PrintProcessOutputStrategy This ProcessOutputStrategy prints its output to a PrintWriter, for instance System.out or System.err.
ProcessResult An object of this class represents the result from a running process.
ProcessSettings Configuration settings for running an external process.
ProcessSupport Support class for running external processes.
SaveToStringProcessOutputStrategy This ProcessOutputStrategy saves the output from the process to a string.
TempFileUtil Utility class with static methods for creating temporary files and directories.

Package Description

Support objects for working with I/O and for starting separate processes.

Karl Gustafsson