Interface LoggingConfigurable<T extends LoggingConfigurable<T>>

All Known Subinterfaces:
ActionTaskFactory<T,U>, ActionTaskSpec<T>, GeneratorTaskFactory<T,U>, GeneratorTaskSpec<T>, JavacTaskFactory<T,U>, ProcessTaskFactory<T,U>, ProcessTaskSpec<T>, RecursiveActionTaskFactory<T,U>, RecursiveActionTaskSpec<T>, RecursiveProcessTaskFactory<T,U>, RecursiveProcessTaskSpec<T>, TaskFactory<T,U>, TaskSpecification<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractActionTask, AbstractActionTaskFactory, AbstractAddTextTask, AbstractAddTextTaskFactory, AbstractCallbackRecursiveActionTask, AbstractCallbackRecursiveProcessTask, AbstractExtJavaTask, AbstractExtJavaTaskFactory, AbstractExtJvmTask, AbstractExtJvmTaskFactory, AbstractExtProcessTask, AbstractExtProcessTaskFactory, AbstractGeneratorTask, AbstractGeneratorTaskFactory, AbstractJarTask, AbstractJarTaskFactory, AbstractJavacTask, AbstractJavacTaskFactory, AbstractJavadocTask, AbstractJavadocTaskFactory, AbstractJavaZipTask, AbstractJavaZipTaskFactory, AbstractLinkInsertionTask, AbstractLinkInsertionTaskFactory, AbstractParseXmlTask, AbstractParseXmlTaskFactory, AbstractProcessOneFileTask, AbstractProcessTask, AbstractProcessTaskFactory, AbstractProxyTask, AbstractProxyTaskFactory, AbstractRecursiveActionTaskFactory, AbstractRecursiveProcessTaskFactory, AbstractSvnCommitTask, AbstractSvnCommitTaskFactory, AbstractSvnTask, AbstractSvnTaskFactory, AbstractTask, AbstractTaskFactory, AbstractTextInsertionTask, AbstractTextInsertionTaskFactory, AbstractXmlCatalogActionTask, AbstractXmlCatalogActionTaskFactory, AbstractZipTask, AbstractZipTaskFactory, AddSystemIdToCatalogTask, AddSystemIdToCatalogTF, AddUriToCatalogTask, AddUriToCatalogTF, AntTask, AntTF, ApiLinksTask, ApiLinksTF, ArgumentInterpreterLinksTask, ArgumentInterpreterLinksTF, At4JUnzipTF, At4JZipTask, At4JZipTF, BZip2Task, BZip2TF, ChmodTask, ChmodTF, ClosureTask, CompoundTask, CompoundTF, CopyTask, CopyTF, DeleteTask, DeleteTF, DomParseXmlTask, DomParseXmlTF, EarTask, EarTF, ErrorIgnoringTask, ErrorIgnoringTF, ExtFindbugsTask, ExtFindbugsTF, ExtJarSignerTask, ExtJarSignerTF, ExtJavacTask, ExtJavacTF, ExtJavadocTask, ExtJavadocTF, ExtJavaTask, ExtJUnit4Task, ExtProcessTask, ExtProcessTF, ForEachSourceTask, ForEachSourceTF, FormatCharacterFileTask, FormatCharacterFileTF, GZipTask, GZipTF, HtmlLinkValidationTask, HtmlLinkValidationTF, IncludeFilesTask, IncludeFilesTF, JarTask, JarTF, JavaTF, JavaWorkspaceBuilderTF, Jdk6JavacTask, Jdk6JavacTF, JUnit4TF, LzmaTask, LzmaTF, MoveTask, MoveTF, RecursiveActionTask, RecursiveActionTF, RecursiveProcessTask, RecursiveProcessTF, RedirectReportTask, RedirectReportTF, ReplaceSourceFileTask, ReplaceSourceFileTF, SchemaFactoryTask, SchemaFactoryTF, SchmantTaskrefTask, SchmantTaskrefTF, SvnExportTask, SvnExportTF, SvnUrlToUrlCopyTask, SvnUrlToUrlCopyTF, TarTask, TarTF, TaskFactoryLinksTask, TaskFactoryLinksTF, TemplateCompilerTask, TemplateCompilerTF, TextAppendTask, TextAppendTF, TextPrependTask, TextPrependTF, TextReplaceTask, TextReplaceTF, TimedExecutionTask, TimedExecutionTF, TreeCopyTask, TreeCopyTF, TreeDeleteTask, TreeDeleteTF, UntarTF, WarTask, WarTF, XsltTask, XsltTF, ZipTask, ZipTF

public interface LoggingConfigurable<T extends LoggingConfigurable<T>>

This interface defines something that can be configured with a log header and log footer to log before and after a Task is run.

Karl Gustafsson

Method Summary
 T setLogFooter(String s)
          Set the task's log footer (the message that is logged to level info after the task has completed successfully).
 T setLogHeader(String s)
          Set the task's log header (the message that is logged to level info before the task is run).
 T setReportLevel(Level l)
          Set the Report level to use when running tasks created by this factory.
 T setTraceLogging(boolean b)
          Enable or disable trace logging for tasks created by this factory.

Method Detail


T setLogHeader(String s)
Set the task's log header (the message that is logged to level info before the task is run). If no log header is set, the default log header from AbstractTask.getDefaultLogHeader() is used.

s - The log header. Set to null to not log a header.


T setLogFooter(String s)
Set the task's log footer (the message that is logged to level info after the task has completed successfully). Set to null to disable the footer.

s - The footer to log.


T setTraceLogging(boolean b)
Enable or disable trace logging for tasks created by this factory. Trace logging means that a task's configuration is printed before it is run.

Task configuration is trace logged if trace logging is enabled for the task itself or for its task factory.

b - Set to true to enable trace logging.


T setReportLevel(Level l)
Set the Report level to use when running tasks created by this factory.

l - The report level. If null, the report level will not be modified.