02/22/2010: Schmant Emma task package 1.1 released
- The Emma task package has been updated to work with Schmant 1.1.
02/18/2010: Schmant 1.1 released
- From version 1.1, JSR 223 scripting support is no longer used for running build scripts. Instead Schmant integrates with the different supported scripting language implementations directly. This made it possible to vastly enhance the support for closures. Now many Schmant methods accept closure arguments, closures can be added instead of tasks to task executors, etc. The ScriptTF task is no longer necessary and had to be removed as a consequence of the refactoring. External dependencies have been updated to their latest versions. There have been a lot of minor changes. See the release notes and the change log for details.
12/15/2009: Schmant Hudson plugin 1.1.4 released
- The plugin now runs Schmant as a separate process, thus plugging a few memory leaks.
09/25/2009: Schmant 1.0.1 released
- Version 1.0.1 comes with updated external dependencies and a couple of bug fixes. See the release notes and the change log for details.
07/17/2009: Schmant Emma task package 1.0.1 released
- The Emma task package has been updated to work with Schmant 1.0.
07/17/2009: Schmant 1.0 released
- Version 1.0 comes with explicit support for build scripts written in Groovy, JRuby or Jython, in addition to the support for JavaScript scripts from previous Schmant versions. There are several examples written in Groovy, JRuby and Jython in the Programmer's Guide and in the task factory reference. Task factory arguments may now be flattened using the FlatteningList. External dependencies have been updated to their latest versions. There have been a lot of minor changes. See the release notes and the change log for details.
04/13/2009: Schmant Emma task package 1.0 released
- This is the first release of the Schmant Emma task package. It contains tasks for running Emma code coverage analysis on Java programs. Read more on the Schmant Emma task package page.
04/13/2009: Schmant 0.9.1 released
- Version 0.9.1 is a small feature and bugfix release. One new feature is that it is now possible to run build scripts in Zip files.
04/01/2009: Schmant Hudson plugin released.
- The Schmant Hudson plugin enables Schmant builds in the continuous integration server Hudson. Read more on the plugin page.
03/22/2009: Schmant 0.9 released.
- In this version, the roles of tasks and task factories have been slightly modified. The JavaWorkspaceBuilderTF task for building project repositories (Eclipse workspaces, IntelliJ IDEA projects) is introduced. The Task Author's Guide documents how tasks and task factories are implemented and how they can be packaged into task packages.
02/08/2009: Schmant 0.8 released.
- Schmant 0.8 adds new archiving and compression tasks (At4JZipTF, TarTF, BZip2TF). The ApiLinksTF inserts Javadoc links in HTML files. External dependencies have been updated to their latest versions. The documentation has been revised and extended. See the release notes and the change log for details.
02/10/2008: Schmant 0.7.1 released.
- Schmant 0.7.1 adds support for IntelliJ IDEA projects through the IntelliJWorkspace object. The documentation has been revised and extended. See the change log for details.
11/16/2007: New Schmant site design
- A new design for the Schmant site. Big thanks to everyone involved!
10/25/2007: Schmant 0.7 released.
- This release adds support for exporting and tagging/branching Subversion projects through the SvnExportTF and SvnCopyTF tasks. The ExtJarsignerTF task for signing JAR files has been added. The documentation has been improved and extended and the error reports from build scripts that fail has been improved. For more details, see the change log.
08/03/2007: Schmant 0.6 released.
- The focus for this release has been on testing and documentation. A number of bugs have been fixed and the documentation is updated and extended. There are two new tasks, GZipTF and ForEachSourceTF. The
was removed since it did the same as MoveTF. For more details, see the change log.
07/07/2007: Schmant Eclipse plugin 0.1.0 released.
- The Schmant Eclipse plugin defines a launcher for launching Schmant scripts. Read more on the plugin page.
06/24/2007: Schmant 0.5.1 released.
- Schmant 0.5.1 fixes some bugs, mostly in the launcher scripts. The documentation is extended, corrected and rearranged in a few places. See the change log for details.
03/23/2007: Schmant 0.5 released.